In many subjects at our school, the Helbling e-Zone is used. Students fill out a form on the website to register, which is done once the Surface devices are available to them. Registration is done exclusively through the school email. After successful registration, children can immediately join created classes or practice independently in the training area. The benefits are:
- Interactive learning platform: Students can learn interactively by watching videos, doing exercises, and solving interactive tasks.
- Flexible usage: Students can access the platform from anywhere and anytime as long as they have an internet connection. This allows for flexible learning that adapts to individual schedules.
- Diverse content: The platform offers a variety of learning materials, including exercises, videos, audio files, and interactive games that appeal to different learning styles.
- Personalized learning: Teachers can track the progress of their students and adjust the content accordingly to address individual needs. This makes learning more effective and personalized.
- Motivational factor: The interactive elements and the ability to track their own progress can increase students' motivation and encourage them to learn continuously.
- Environmental friendliness: By using digital materials, paper and printing costs can be saved, which is more environmentally friendly.
Overall, the Helbling e-Zone provides a modern and effective way for students to improve their language skills and supports teachers in lesson planning.
Form: https://helbling-ezone.com/?page=user-registration&as=student
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